We've designed these unique greeting cards to support your capacity to reflect on the meaning of life as embodied within the beauty of Nature. Each card features a photograph of a spectacular natural setting in the American West paired with a quote that emphasizes the relation between Nature and the human spirit.
Each card measures 5X7 inches, with a glossy front and back and soy ink. The quote on the front is also printed on the inside right, where it sometimes appears as part of a larger quote. Envelopes are made of 100% recycled materials.
Photo-Quote Cards

Photo-Quote Mounted Pieces
Some of the photographs are available paired with an inspirational quote. The following pieces are available with the quote, price and size listed. Note: Prices do not include a $30-50 shipping and handling fee. If you want us to use your own quote (no more than 4 lines), you can combine it with any of the below photos, or with many of the other photos available on this site. Please contact us for details.
Copyright ©2016, Stephen Hatch Photography. All rights reserved.